
Life was full of danger for Raiko and Bojo from the moment they were born. It wasn't anything that they did. It was simply because they were gypsies. Being a gypsy in Europe in the early eighteenth century was a dangerous business. Were it not for a kindly old circus owner, they would never have survived. But now, empowered by the man who led them to God, the brothers have the chance to find their mother and make a life for themselves. But a cruel priest is hot on their heels, and he has no intention of letting them escape alive.

This beautiful, riveting story by Frank Lamca will bring old Europe to life all around you. You'll only be satisfied when the sequel comes out.

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Life was full of danger for Raiko and Bojo from the moment they were born. It wasn't anything that they did. It was simply because they were gypsies. Being a gypsy in Europe in the early eighteenth century was a dangerous business. Were it not for a kindly old circus owner, they would never have survived. But now, empowered by the man who led them to God, the brothers have the chance to find their mother and make a life for themselves. But a cruel priest is hot on their heels, and he has no intention of letting them escape alive.

This beautiful, riveting story by Frank Lamca will bring old Europe to life all around you. You'll only be satisfied when the sequel comes out.

Life was full of danger for Raiko and Bojo from the moment they were born. It wasn't anything that they did. It was simply because they were gypsies. Being a gypsy in Europe in the early eighteenth century was a dangerous business. Were it not for a kindly old circus owner, they would never have survived. But now, empowered by the man who led them to God, the brothers have the chance to find their mother and make a life for themselves. But a cruel priest is hot on their heels, and he has no intention of letting them escape alive.

This beautiful, riveting story by Frank Lamca will bring old Europe to life all around you. You'll only be satisfied when the sequel comes out.